Rhodiola rosea - dostaň stres a únavu pod kontroluCategoriesNezaradené

Rhodiola rosea – get stress and fatigue under control


What is Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea, called Rhodiola, and known as “golden root”,, „Roseroot“ or “arctic root”, has long been employed in traditional medicine in the Nordic countries, Eastern Europe and Asia, as a natural tonic, referred to as an “adaptogen.” Rhodiola is used to promote good health, strength, endurance, and physical and mental performance. Even its ingestion for physical effects is also historically rooted in data from Viking times indicating that it was used to boost endurance and physical strength.

Although Rhodiola rosea has a long history of use in traditional and folk medicine, it has only more recently started to garner sustained scientific attention by virtue of its supposed adaptogenic benefits.

Just like Ashwagandha Ashwagandha, Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress.

Rosavins and salidrosides – ideal ratio  3:1

Rhodiola rosea contains 140 compounds in its roots and rhizome. Certain chemicals must be present for Rhodiola rosea to work. The critical components include rosavin, rosarian, and rosin, collectively known as rosavins and salidroside.

To ensure the supplement you choose works and contains pure Rhodiola rosea, it needs to be standardized to contain at least 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside. This is the ratio found in the natural root. In contrast to many natural compounds, salidroside is water-soluble and highly bioavailable via oral administration.

Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress.

Chronic stress and its negative effects

Chronic stress and cortisol can damage your brain. Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, found that chronic stress triggers long-term changes in brain structure and function. Chronic stress changes neural networks. Cortisol creates a domino effect that hard-wires pathways between the hippocampus and amygdala. The amygdala (lizard brain) is the area responsible for your fight-or-flight response. This hard-wiring caused by stress is not the way the brain was designed. But chronic, ongoing stress tricks the brain into rebuilding circuits and hunkering down for the long haul.

This re-wiring appears to be permanent. Unless you intervene with something like Rhodiola rosea.

Chronic stress seems to ‘flip a switch’ in stem cells in the brain. And turns them into a type of cell that prevents connections to the prefrontal cortex, preventing improved learning and memory. This state is also connected to anxiety and depression.

It is known that chronic stress:

  • Reduces levels of serotonin and norepinephrine
  • Reduces the number of neurons
  • Increases anxiety and depression
  • Induces brain fog and memory loss
  • Is connected to mental and physical fatigue

Rhodiola rosea – benefits*

Studies on organs, tissues, cells and enzymes show that Rhodiola rosea extracts exhibit adaptogenic effects that are neuroprotective, cardio protective, anti-fatigue, anti-depressive, anxiolytic, nootropic, and can have life-extending qualities.

Physical and mental performance*

Amy C. Keller PhD. screened 693 studies and scientific papers focused on Rhodiola rosea. She chose 11 studies, which met all her inclusion criteria. In summary, the studies were published between 2000 and 2009 and were from Russia, Armenia, the United States, Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands. There was a wide range of number of participants between 12 to 121 per study. The total number of participants was 503. Most of the studies were conducted on healthy subjects exposed to fatigue, or stress from exercise, work, or exams. All studies included a placebo.

The author examined the studies for physical and physiological (mental) performance. The measurements used in the mental performance studies were short-term memory, reaction time to various stimulus, and concentration.

Two of these studies observed significant improvements in the Total Anti-Fatigue Index and Total Fatigue Index scores of the Rhodiola treatment groups in comparison with the placebo. In the studies examining mental health, fatigue syndrome and depression were analysed. The Rhodiola-treated patients with stress-related fatigue improved significantly more than the placebo group. In addition, patients suffering from depression significantly improved when treated with Rhodiola compared to the placebo group, according to the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and the Beck Depression Inventory, which are commonly used questionnaires for rating the severity of depression symptoms. None of the studies observed any serious adverse effects.

The Rhodiola-treated patients with stress-related fatigue improved significantly more than the placebo group.

The author concluded that Rhodiola rosea root preparations may be active in a variety of ways and might be used to treat several ailments, including those brought on by stress and depression. The author herself concluded that the reported bioactivity of Rhodiola warrants further investigation; this review outlines a convincing argument for this conclusion.

*Other studies focusing on physical and mental performance

  1. Summary PMID 21036578 showed that several studies demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea enhanced mental and physical performance.
  2. A study in the „Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition“ showed enhanced physical performance. The study was performed on 15 university-attending women
  3. Study PMID 30564123 showed that, Rhodiola rosea may enhance memory and learning.

Reduce stress and fatigue*

Rhodiola rosea repairs brain damage caused by chronic stress. It helps the brain to stay healthy. Rhodiola rosea relieves stress by balancing your body’s stress-response system, and it helps your body return to a relaxed state by influencing key brain chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine and beta-endorphins

Rhodiola rosea can also help prevent and repair damage caused by free radicals. Thanks to salidroside, neurons are protected and regenerated during periods of stress. Rhodiola helps in the synthesis and resynthesis of ATP, the main fuel source for the mitochondria in your cells.

Rhodiola rosea helps reduce stress and fatigue, increase energy, alertness and stamina, while boosting mental performance under periods of chronic stress.

Rhodiola rosea helps reduce stress and fatigue, increase energy, alertness and stamina, while boosting mental performance under periods of chronic stress. Research shows that Rhodiola rosea can increase attention to detail-oriented tasks by improving concentration over a prolonged period.

  1. Study PMID 22228617 showed clinically relevant improvement of stress symptoms.
  2. Study PMID 28367055 showed improvement in measured parameters in people with burnout syndrome.
  3. Study PMID 19016404 on 60 men and women between the ages of 20 and 55 showed reduction of fatigue and increased mental performance, especially the ability to concentrate.
  4. In another study, performed on 20 medical students, significant improvements in physical fitness, mental fatigue, psychomotor performance and general well-being were shown. It also reported improvement in sleep patterns, a reduced need for sleep, greater mood stability, and a greater motivation to study
  5. Another study on 56 young, healthy physicians during their night shifts showed significant reduction in fatigue and improved mental performance during the first two weeks.

Improve mood*

Rhodiola rosea boosts mood by influencing serotonin and norepinephrine levels in your brain.

Cognitive functions*

Study PMID 20374974 selected 40 healthy females aged between 20-68 who claimed to have felt stressed over a long period of time due to living under psychologically stressful conditions. The study monitored the effect of Rhodiola rosea combined with other ingredients. It showed a significant increase in attention, speed and accuracy during the performance of stressful cognitive tasks. There was also a reduced percentage of errors, which means work has better accuracy and quality.

Anti-cancer effects*

A study published in “The National Center for Biotechnology” showed that Rhodiola can have anti-cancer effects and can positively impact normal physiological functions, similar to the effect of positive lifestyle intervention.

Rhodiola rosea – time response of the effects

The time required to begin feeling the effects of Rhodiola rosea depends on your genetics, mental and physical condition, environment, behaviour and lifestyle.

Some report feeling its effects in just a few days, while others require as much as 3 weeks.

Many report that Rhodiola rosea provides a pronounced anti-anxiety effect and an overall improvement of quality of life. It should give you an energy lift. It could improve your mood, focus, level of concentration and alertness.

Rayzzer® and Rhodiola rosea

Rayzzer® is a supporter of the natural, the finest-quality and most effective products.

With the ingenious combination of nature, science and experience we developed the first chewable tablets made especially for motivated individuals eager to succeed.

Stress often limits us; it significantly affects our mental as well as physical performance. We need to get stress under control for long-term and healthy progress. Whilst achieving our goals, we cannot forget about proper brain nutrition. Energy & Brain hacker with its unique composition contains natural Rhodiola rosea, which contains the most effective substances in their ideal ratio.

Energy & Brain hacker with its unique composition contains natural Rhodiola rosea, which contains the most effective substances in their ideal ratio.

Utilize the benefits of not only the finest quality Rhodiola rosea with the ideal ratio of rosavins and salidroside. Energy & brain hacker is by its composition, unique for long-term improvement of mental health as well as current performance. Try a combination of 7 unique ingredients of natural origin in the highest quality. Don’t waste time with average quality nutrition supplements and order the best now!


Rayzzer® is a supporter of the natural, the finest-quality and most effective products. Uncover Energy & Brain hacker by Rayzzer®. Get the blend of the finest, natural ingredients and step forward to your dreams today!

Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress.

Certain chemicals must be present for Rhodiola rosea to work. The critical components include rosavin, rosarian, and rosin, collectively known as rosavins and salidroside. To ensure the supplement you choose works and contains pure Rhodiola rosea, it needs to be standardized to contain at least 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside. This is the ratio found in the natural root.

Chronic stress and cortisol can damage your brain. Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, found that chronic stress triggers long-term changes in brain structure and function.

Rhodiola rosea repairs brain damage caused by chronic stress.

Studies on organs, tissues, cells and enzymes show that Rhodiola rosea extracts exhibit adaptogenic effects that are neuroprotective, cardio protective, anti-fatigue, anti-depressive, anxiolytic, nootropic, and can have life-extending qualities.


*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The above statements have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Právna doložka: Všetky informácie o zdravotných a výživových tvrdeniach uvedené v tomto článku sú len súborom informácií voľne prístupných na internete a dostupnej literatúry z domácich a zahraničných informačných zdrojov a za žiadnych okolností nie sú dôkazom o skutočnom pôsobení výživových doplnkov alebo ich častí, prípadne ich liečivých účinkoch. Energy & Brain hacker je doplnkom výživy. Nemá schválené liečivé účinky a nejedná sa o liek. Na základe nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady európskeho spoločenstva č. 1924/2006 a nariadenia Komisie (EÚ) č. 432/2012, nemôžu byť žiadnym potravinám priraďované iné výživové a zdravotné tvrdenia okrem povolených. V spomínanom nariadení sa výslovne zakazuje predajcom uvádzať u potravín a doplnkov stravy akékoľvek “zdravotné, alebo výživové tvrdenie”, okrem tých, ktoré schváli priamo Európska Komisia alebo Európsky úrad pre bezpečnosť potravín. Rady a informácie v tomto článku sú len základné a nenahrádzajú individuálne rady odborníkov, preto použitie výživových doplnkov konzultujte so svojím lekárom alebo odborníkom na zdravú výživu. Prevádzkovateľ stránky nezodpovedá za zdravotné problémy alebo ujmu na zdraví, ktoré budú výsledkom nesprávneho výkladu obsahu tohto článku bez porady s odborníkmi.

Ashwagandha KSM-66 - najlepšia Ashwagandha na sveteCategoriesNezaradené

Ashwagandha KSM-66® – the best Ashwagandha


What is Ashwagandha

Indian ginseng, better known as Ashwagandha (Latin Withania somnifera), comes from India and it is one of the main Ayurvedic herbs. Its common name is derived from the words ”ashwa“ (horse) and ”gandha“ (smell). It can be translated as the ”smell of a horse“.

This herb has been known for centuries but is only now experiencing major growth worldwide because of a burst in recent studies in pharmacology and medicine.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress. It is one of the few herbs with significant effects on both psychological and physiological aspects of human functioning.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress.

What is Ashwagandha KSM-66®

KSM-66® is a branded Ashwagandha root extract with the highest concentration available on the market today. It is extracted with a “Green-Chemistry” process, using no alcohol or any chemical solvent. This process was created after more than 14 years of intense R&D.

No leaves, just roots

Ashwagandha KSM-66® uses only the roots of the Ashwagandha plant with absolutely no addition of leaves. Of course, it would be more economical to use the leaves, as their price is often less than 1/20th the price of roots.

KSM-66® is a family-owned business founded with the sole mission of supplying the absolute best quality Ashwagandha.

Both in independent clinical trials and in thousands of years of traditional use, the root is the part of the plant that is used predominantly for adaptogenic benefits and internal ingestion. The primary use of leaves traditionally was for topical treatments on the skin for conditions such as burns or carbuncles, not for internal consumption

KSM-66® is the highest-concentration extract on the market

Ashwagandha – benefits

The producer of this Ashwagandha is the industry leader in clinical trials and basic research investigating the effectiveness of Ashwagandha, with 24 studies – 15 published, 3 additional studies completed and in peer review, and 6 ongoing studies. It collaborates with major academic and research institutes.

Ashwagandha KSM-66® has had the most extensive number of studies and clinical trials. Those studies are primarily focused on, for example:

Anxiety and stress relief (reduced cortisol level)*

  1. Study in the „Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine“ showing significant reduction in serum cortisol levels, stress and anxiety (measured by the Perceived Stress Scale, the General Health Questionnaire-28 score and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale).
  2. Study in the „Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine“ showing significantly lowered chronic stress (as measured by Perceived Stress score and serum cortisol).
  3. Study in „Cereus“ showing, that it significantly lowered stress (as measured by serum cortisol and Perceived Stress score).

Memory and cognitive functions*

  1. Article in the „Journal of Dietary Supplements“ showing significant improvement in memory and cognitive functions (as measured by Wechsler Memory Scale scores), executive function, attention and information-processing speed in healthy individuals.

Strength, endurance and recovery*

  1. Study in the „Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition“ showing positive effects on improving muscle strength, muscle size, body fat percentage, natural testosterone production and muscle recovery rate in healthy athletic adults.
  2. Study in the „AYU“ showing significant improvement in cardio respiratory endurance and quality of life  (WHOQOL scale) in healthy athletes
  3. Study in the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology“ showing significant improvement in cardiorespiratory endurance, reduced oxidative stress, fatigue and increased the recovery rate in athletes.

Quality of sleep*

  1. Study published in ”Cureus“ demonstrating significant improvement in sleep efficiency, total sleep time, sleep quality.

Sexual health for men and women*

  1. Study published in ”Biomed Research International“ showing improvements in female sexual health as measured by some metrics commonly employed by gynaecologists to assess desire, arousal, lubrication, satisfaction and orgasm.
  2. Study published in  „Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine“ showing a significant increase semen volume, sperm concentration, motility and testosterone.


  1. Study in the „Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine“ showing significant reduction in stress-associated weight gain.

Thyroid function*

    1. Article in the „Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine“ showing that it can normalize thyroid indices such as serum TSH, T3 and T4 and restore normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Award winning Ashwagandha KSM-66®

KSM-66® has won several awards worldwide, for example:

  • Sports Nutrition Ingredient of the Year NutraIngredients Asia 2018
  • Herbal Industry Leader Award 2016 Society of Ethnopharmacology
  • Product Innovation in Botanical Award Frost & Sullivan 2014
  • Best Botanical Ingredient Engredea 2013
  • Innovative Ingredient of the Year Panacea 2012

”KSM-66® enhances my ability to focus for long hours during my games. Most importantly, it helps me stay calm and composed when under pressure. My sport requires a sustained level of concentration. Thanks to KSM-66®, I am playing harder and performing better.”

Aditya Mehta – Asia ranked #1, Snooker gold medallist, Asian games.

Standards and quality certifications

The manufacturing unit is pharma-grade, with state-of-the-art clean room facilities using world class production and quality assurance processes Ashwagandha KSM-66® is the botanical with the highest number of certifications, as for example:

  • USDA organic
  • Friend of the Earth
  • Health Canada
  • NON GMO project
  • Certified GF Gluten-free
  • Certified drug free
  • Certified RAW
  • Certified clean
  • JK Kosher
  • GRAS – Generally recognized as safe
  • Certified VegeCert
  • HACCP certified
  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 22000

Rayzzer® and Ashwagandha KSM-66®

Rayzzer® is a supporter of the natural, the finest-quality and most effective products.

With the ingenious combination of science, experience, and nature we developed the first chewable tablets made especially for motivated individuals eager to succeed.

Utilize the benefits of not only the finest Ashwagandha KSM-66®, but a carefully designed mix of 7 unique active natural ingredients of the highest quality. Thanks to their synergic effect, the impact on the body is much greater than just the sum of the individual ingredients alone.

We care about your success. Don’t waste your time with regular supplements and make order of your life now!



Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress.

Its main benefits are*:

  • Anxiety and stress relief
  • Memory and cognitive functions
  • Strength, endurance, and recovery
  • Quality of sleep
  • Sexual health for men and women
  • Weight-management
  • Thyroid function

KSM-66® is registered Ashwagandha root extract. The benefits of KSM-66® are:

  • The highest-concentration extract on the market
  • Only roots are used for production
  • The botanical with the highest number of certifications
  • Awarded by many international awards across the globe
  • The industry leader in clinical trials – more than 24 studies thus far
  • A “Green-Chemistry” process is used for extracting
  • Suitable for vegans

Rayzzer® is a supporter of natural, the finest-quality and most effective products. Uncover Energy & Brain hacker by Rayzzer®. Get the blend of the finest-quality natural ingredients and step into your dreams today!

*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The above statements have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Právna doložka: Všetky informácie o zdravotných a výživových tvrdeniach uvedené v tomto článku sú len súborom informácií voľne prístupných na internete a dostupnej literatúry z domácich a zahraničných informačných zdrojov a za žiadnych okolností nie sú dôkazom o skutočnom pôsobení výživových doplnkov, alebo ich časti, prípadne ich liečivých účinkoch. Energy & Brain hacker je doplnkom výživy. Nemá schválené liečivé účinky a nejedná sa o liek. Na základe nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady európskeho spoločenstva č. 1924/2006 a nariadenie Komisie (EÚ) č. 432/2012, nemôžu byť žiadnym potravinám priraďované iné výživové a zdravotné tvrdenia okrem povolených. V spomínanom nariadení sa výslovne zakazuje predajcom uvádzať u potravín a doplnkov stravy akékoľvek “zdravotné, alebo výživové tvrdenie”, okrem tých, ktoré schváli priamo Európska Komisia alebo Európsky úrad pre bezpečnosť potravín. Rady a informácie v tomto článku sú len základné a nenahrádzajú individuálne rady odborníkov, preto použitie výživových doplnkov konzultujte so svojím lekárom alebo odborníkom na zdravú výživu. Prevádzkovateľ stránky nezodpovedá za zdravotné problémy, alebo ujmu na zdraví, ktoré budú výsledkom nesprávneho výkladu obsahu tohto článku bez porady s odborníkmi.